Sunday, June 14, 2009

Essentials for health & wellness
it's pretty simple

1. Breathe Deeply - Air is the cornerstone of life. Every moment of every day your body exchanges carbon dioxide for oxygen to keep each cell in your body alive and functioning. A rich supply of oxygen can make the difference between feeling tired and stressed and youthful and focused. Take at least five deep breaths from your abdomen several times a day.

2. Drink Water - Water is essential for everything your body does. In fact, you are more than 70 percent water! Nutrient absorption, blood flow, respiration, elimination, and your ability to see and hear require adequate consumption of pure, clean water. Your body cannot effectively store the water you need throughout the day. Drink at least eight glasses of water every day.

3. Sleep Peacefully - Sleep is the only time your body has to repair and rejuvenate every organ and system in your body. Sleep deprivation causes cellular damage, and limits the production of enzymes and hormones your body needs to keep your cells healthy, and prevent premature aging. Sleep also has a powerful impact on your emotional health - it eases stress and helps you cope with the ups and downs of your day. Strive to get eight hours of sleep every night.

4. Eat Nutritiously - Food has a powerful impact on your body. Everyday, food, in large part, determines how you feel and how your body functions. A balanced diet, rich in whole foods, combined with quality nutritional supplements created to meet your specific needs, will give you the energy you need today, and the disease-fighting strength you need to build a healthy future.

5. Enjoy Activity - Your body was created to move - and move often. Activity increases your circulation, speeding oxygen, nutrients and water to your cells. Your Lymphatic System requires activity to purge your body of deadly toxins. Activity also triggers your brain to release health-giving hormones and enzymes that lift your spirit while they bolster your immune system. A small investment in daily moderate activity will enable you to reap tremendous health benefits.

6. Give and Receive Love - As you give and receive love, freely and generously, you will be blessed with meaningful, lifelong relationships and cherished memories that will bring joy in happy times, and strength and peace in difficult times.

Give and Receive Love - Pick out a "Person of the Week" and express your love for them every day - be specific - let them know why you love them.

7. Be Forgiving - By forgiving yourself and others of past and present mistakes, real or perceived, you will gain freedom from negativity and guilt that will strengthen you and those you love.

Be Forgiving - Each day this week before going to bed, make a point to consciously forgive anyone who has offended you.

8. Practice Gratitude - Sincere gratitude will lift and inspire you. Recognizing and appreciating all you have empowers you to find and express true joy.

Practice Gratitude - The simple act of writing down the people, things and blessings you are grateful for will change your life. Create a gratitude journal and make an entry in it every day.

9. Develop Acceptance - When you develop the ability to identify and accept the circumstances in your life you cannot change, yet strive to make positive changes whenever and wherever you can, you will discover lasting peace and hope.

Develop Acceptance - Make a goal to focus on positive changes in yourself and others - avoid dwelling on, or pointing out shortcomings in yourself or others. Celebrate even small successes by those you care about.

10. Develop a Relationship with God - You build a relationship with God in the same way you build a relationship with those around you - through sharing and listening. By offering a simple prayer daily, you will enjoy a sense of well-being you will not experience any other way.

Develop a Relationship with God - Take at least 15 minutes each day to spend in prayer, meditation, and inspirational reading. Make this a time to concentrate on the areas in your life where you most need Divine help. Seek out Divine comfort and direction every day.

You are a complex, unique combination of physical, emotional and spiritual qualities. By discovering and applying the 10 Essentials, you can develop habits and attitudes that will increase your energy and help you get the most out of life.

In 1993, I spent 2 weeks at The Optimum Health Institute in San Diego. A copy of the 10 essentials was posted on the wall in my room. I copied it and have used it, to remind me how simple it is to maintain our health, peace and happiness. Give a copy to your friends, co-workers or anyone you think could benefit from this wisdom.

Friday, February 27, 2009

The Common Craft Show - They Understand My Brain!!

I love Twitter. I was checking out the link of recent follower
@TammyCamp, and there it was...
"Twitter In Plain English".
I have been trying to explain to my friends, what is, and why
I Twitter, but they just look at me. Some people will never
get it I know, but now I have a handy little tool the next time
someone asks!

The Common Craft Show, these guys "speak my language". I don't know
if it was all those years of "quality control" when I was a bartender or my
age, but it takes me a little while to grasp certain things - even when I do
have a clear understanding, I don't always explain things in the simplest terms.
Lee and Sachi LeFever's videos get the job done beautifully.

The Common Craft Show is a series of short explanatory videos by Lee and Sachi LeFever. "Our goal is to fight complexity with simple tools and plain language. We call our format "paperworks" and publish a new video about once a month".

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Louis CK "Everything's amazing, nobody's happy"

"We live in an amazing, amazing world, and it's wasted on
the crappiest generation of spoiled idiots."

Monday, January 19, 2009

What does Martin Luther King Jr. Day Mean to Your Kids?

By Sara Peters

There are ways to teach your kids more about this historic holiday. It's not just another day off from school, but a day to reflect on this man's great contribution to the United States of America, and the whole world.

If your kids love to spend their days "off" in front of the computer as much as mine do, why not send them to the following websites?

  • Fact Monster is packed to the brim with interesting facts about Dr. King. Not only is it easy for kids to navigate, it also offers quizzes and crossword puzzles so that they can test their knowledge.
  • At Scholastic, a slideshow of Benedict Fernandez's photographs of Dr. King take kids back to 1968 with a glimpse into Dr. King's world.
  • Kids hunt down facts about Dr. King in this online scavenger hunt, which might prove to be so much fun that they won't even realize they're learning.
  • Speaking of fun, at Read Write Think, they've created a word mover. Kids can take the words from Dr. King's famous "I Have a Dream" speech and create a poem from it.
  • If you're trying to explain Dr. King's legacy to very young children, here's a slideshow created by elementary students using Kid Pix -- very simple, very colorful, and very basic.

Related Links:
MLK events in the Bay area
"Triumph" for foot soldiers of movement
The Moderate Voice

Fun For Kids:
Big Fish Games
PBS Kids
I hope you enjoy Sara's article, and take the time to explore these wonderful resources with your kids!